“The very first principal that must be understood is that you finance everything you buy - you either pay interest to someone else or you give up interest you could have earned otherwise”. - Nelson Nash
Disciplined spending, saving, and investing are irrelevant without disciplined thinking. People are assets, “things” are not. Your mindset, skill sets, purpose, education, experiences in life, morals, value. It's who you are as a person.
You are your #1 Asset. Think for a moment about where all the cash comes from in your life up to this point. The reality is, that is where it will continue to come from moving forward. From you as a producer.
Your #1 Investment is your business / career. In the prosperity stage we develop a very clear plan to eliminate bad debts, increase cash flow and create maximum leverage and protection for every dollar in profits.
The #1 Rule in this stage; Don’t Lose Money. We will follow the principles of prosperity keeping control of our cash and keeping it guaranteed, protected and liquid. End result. Financial Freedom!