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About Murph & Me Coaching & Consulting
Murph & Me is a coaching and consulting agency where our core concepts revolve around purpose, passion, power and prosperity. We create an experience for our clients by developing a clear vision of the person they want to become and designing a life of their dreams. 
High Performance Coaching for Entrepreneurs
High Performance Life Coach Information
High Performance Coaching for Entrepreneurs that want more out of life!
Purpose and Passion
“When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life and only to the extent you are clear.” - Janet Bray Atwood
Clarity does not come all at once. It is a process. The Purpose & Passion Stage helps support the process of gaining clarity by forcing you to choose what really means the most to you. It is the process of completing this stage, then taking action and living our lives aligned with our passion, which results in increased clarity.
The Passion Test formula; Intention, Attention, No Tension
Intention is consciously stating what you choose to create in your life is the first step to manifesting it.
Your life becomes like that on which you put your attention. Give attention to that which you choose to create in your life and it will begin to show up.
When you are open to what is appearing at this moment, you allow positive energy to flow through you. No tension means to let go of all tension and to stop holding on so tightly to concepts of how things should be.
You are powerful - What you believe you create
A Financial Coaching Program for High Performance Coaching Students
“We Live in an external world. Everything, you have to see it, touch it. If you can for the rest of your life, live inside yourself - to find greatness, you have to go inside”. - David Goggins
You're an athlete! In the power stage of High Performance Coaching you will see yourself as an athlete and begin to develop daily habits that feed and fuel your mind and body. Develop a new relationship with how you fuel your body. Train your mind to quiet the noise and create space for you to think more clearly. The willingness to keep an open mind, learn and face the facts of your current reality will make this stage transformational.
Entrepreneur's Coach for Entrepreneurs that want more out of life
“The very first principal that must be understood is that you finance everything you buy - you either pay interest to someone else or you give up interest you could have earned otherwise”. - Nelson Nash
Disciplined spending, saving, and investing are irrelevant without disciplined thinking. People are assets, “things” are not. Your mindset, skill sets, purpose, education, experiences in life, morals, value. It's who you are as a person.
 You are your #1 Asset. Think for a moment about where all the cash comes from in your life up to this point. The reality is, that is where it will continue to come from moving forward. From you as a producer.
 Your #1 Investment is your business / career. In the prosperity stage we develop a very clear plan to eliminate bad debts, increase cash flow and create maximum leverage and protection for every dollar in profits.
 The #1 Rule in this stage; Don’t Lose Money. We will follow the principles of prosperity keeping control of our cash and keeping it guaranteed, protected and liquid. End result. Financial Freedom!
Life Coaching Strategies for Entrepreneurs
Don't Just Take My 
Word For It
check out what these adventurers who took the leap of faith had to say....
About Murph & Me Coaching / Consulting
Murph & Me is a coaching and consulting agency where our core concepts revolve around purpose, passion, power and prosperity. We create an experience for our clients by developing a clear vision of the person they want to become and designing a life of their dreams. 
High Performance Coaching for Entrepreneurs
High Performance Life Coach Information
High Performance Coaching for Entrepreneurs that want more out of life!


Defying Reality

Purpose and Passion
“When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life and only to the extent you are clear.” - Janet Bray Atwood

Clarity does not come all at once. It is a process. The Purpose & Passion Stage helps support the process of gaining clarity by forcing you to choose what really means the most to you. It is the process of completing this stage, then taking action and living our lives aligned with our passion, which results in increased clarity.

The Passion Test formula; Intention, Attention, No Tension 

Intention is consciously stating what you choose to create in your life is the first step to manifesting it.

Your life becomes like that on which you put your attention. Give attention to that which you choose to create in your life and it will begin to show up.

When you are open to what is appearing at this moment, you allow positive energy to flow through you. No tension means to let go of all tension and to stop holding on so tightly to concepts of how things should be. 

You are powerful - What you believe you create

A Financial Coaching Program for High Performance Coaching Students
Entrepreneur's Coach for Entrepreneurs that want more out of life
“We Live in an external world. Everything, you have to see it, touch it. If you can for the rest of your life, live inside yourself - to find greatness, you have to go inside”. - David Goggins

You're an athlete! In the power stage of High Performance Coaching you will see yourself as an athlete and begin to develop daily habits that feed and fuel your mind and body. Develop a new relationship with how you fuel your body. Train your mind to quiet the noise and create space for you to think more clearly. The willingness to keep an open mind, learn and face the facts of your current reality will make this stage transformational.

“The very first principal that must be understood is that you finance everything you buy - you either pay interest to someone else or you give up interest you could have earned otherwise”. - Nelson Nash 

My Financial Training Academy you how to achieve Freedom

Disciplined spending, saving, and investing are irrelevant without disciplined thinking. People are assets, “things” are not. Your mindset, skill sets, purpose, education, experiences in life, morals, value. It's who you are as a person. 

 You are your #1 Asset. Think for a moment about where all the cash comes from in your life up to this point. The reality is, that is where it will continue to come from moving forward. From you as a producer. 

 Your #1 Investment is your business / career. In the prosperity stage we develop a very clear plan to eliminate bad debts, increase cash flow and create maximum leverage and protection for every dollar in profits. 

 The #1 Rule in this stage; Don’t Lose Money. We will follow the principles of prosperity keeping control of our cash and keeping it guaranteed, protected and liquid. End result. Financial Freedom!

Life Coaching Strategies for Entrepreneurs
Don't Just Take My Word For It
check out what these entrepreneurs who took the leap of faith had to say....
Defying Reality

Are you fulfilled with the life that you are living, and if you’re not, do you have the guts to jump into a new opportunity and create your new reality? You are only one decision away. It's time to defy your new reality, and together, we are stronger.

Are you ready?
Tony LaPrino
Hello fellow entrepreneur, my name is Tony LaPrino, and I'm the owner and CEO of Murph & Me, a Life Clarity coaching and consulting agency.

We bring clarity your big vision. Ignite the fire in your soul. 

This new opportunity is to have someone help personally transform your life so you can experience more joy and fulfillment everyday. Live a life you design with deeper meaning and significance and provide a great life for you and your family. A purposeful life!

For the first time in your life imagine the possibility of having a life filled with deep purpose, passion, power and prosperity. A life of abundance. This is your new reality. 

A coach that understands life can be overwhelming. You have the drive, you have the passion and power to creat the life you have always dreamed of. I am someone who will bring clarity and perspective to your current reality so you can live your life’s purpose. 

Have you ever heard the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. " Well I believe in that whole heartedly. When I was ready for clarity in my life to do my life's purpose my coach showed up and I in turn am showing up for you!


I created my Coaching and Consulting Agency for the millions of people who feel alone because there is a dark side of being an entrepreneur. If I can inspire just one person to build a more profitable business linked to their life’s passions than it was all worth it.


Are you overwhelmed with the expectations you set for yourself and your business. Have you created an unrealistic vision of what your life should look like? The refusal to accept the reality of your situation is the problem. Years of burying these emotions and negative thoughts can lead to increased levels of stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, money worries, and feeling alone. If any of this sounds familiar, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Welcome! You have come to the right place.


As your coach and mentor I help you build a more profitable business by design and live a more fulfilled life. I know firsthand how scary and overwhelming life can be as an entrepreneur. What I realized over those years is I was spending all my time chasing my career at the sacrifice of my family and there had to be a better way.


As a husband, father and a business owner I will never pretend that I have the “magic” formula or the “easy” way to success. I may not know everything, but what I do know I am willing to share.

Overwhelmed with the expectations I set for myself and my business, I created an unrealistic vision of what my life should look like. The refusal to accept the reality of my situation was the problem and it almost cost me everything. We are not taught to challenge the negative thoughts we create in our minds which lead to years of built up painful emotions.

Years of burying these emotions and negative thoughts lead to increased levels of stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, money worries, and feeling alone. With the refusal to accept the reality of the situation, suppression was the only way to quiet the noise.


Some of the most influential people in my life were the coaches I had as an athlete. What I realized as an entrepreneur is that in order to reach the level in business and in life I could not do it alone. Having someone to bring new perspective, challenge your thinking, move out of the comfort zone and sees and believes in your true potential will create unrecognizable results that takes most entrepreneurs years if ever to accomplish. 

Coaching Stages

Stage 1: Purpose and Passion: You play the role of observer in this stage with the mission of becoming clear on what matters most to you in your life. The destination at the completion of this stage is living everyday aligned with your life’s passions and purpose.

Stage 2: Power: You’re an athlete in the power stage where the mission is to begin shifting your focus and seeing yourself as an athlete. At the end of the power stage you will have created daily habits that feed and fuel your mind and body.

Stage 3: Prosperity: My Financial Training Academy is a step by step plan that will lead you to a life of Freedom.  The mission in this stage is to develop a clear plan to eliminate bad debts, increase cash flow and create maximum leverage and protection for every dollar in profits from this day forward. Destination; Financial Freedom.


Facing The Facts Podcast on ITUNES, Stitcher & YouTube

Blog under Declaration Vault

Defying Reality

Are you fulfilled with the life that you are living, and if you’re not, do you have the guts to jump into a new opportunity and create your new reality? You are only one decision away. It's time to defy your new reality, and together, we are stronger.

Are you ready?
Tony LaPrino
Hello fellow entrepreneur, my name is Tony LaPrino, and I'm the owner and CEO of Murph & Me, a Life Clarity coaching and consulting agency.

We bring clarity your big vision. Ignite the fire in your soul. 

This new opportunity is to have someone help personally transform your life so you can experience more joy and fulfillment everyday. Live a life you design with deeper meaning and significance and provide a great life for you and your family. A purposeful life!

For the first time in your life imagine the possibility of having a life filled with deep purpose, passion, power and prosperity. A life of abundance. This is your new reality. 

A coach that understands life can be overwhelming. You have the drive, you have the passion and power to creat the life you have always dreamed of. I am someone who will bring clarity and perspective to your current reality so you can live your life’s purpose. 

Have you ever heard the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. " Well I believe in that whole heartedly. When I was ready for clarity in my life to do my life's purpose my coach showed up and I in turn am showing up for you!


I created my Coaching and Consulting Agency for the millions of people who feel alone because there is a dark side of being an entrepreneur. If I can inspire just one person to build a more profitable business linked to their life’s passions than it was all worth it.


Are you overwhelmed with the expectations you set for yourself and your business. Have you created an unrealistic vision of what your life should look like? The refusal to accept the reality of your situation is the problem. Years of burying these emotions and negative thoughts can lead to increased levels of stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, money worries, and feeling alone. If any of this sounds familiar, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Welcome! You have come to the right place.


As your coach and mentor I help you build a more profitable business by design and live a more fulfilled life. I know firsthand how scary and overwhelming life can be as an entrepreneur. What I realized over those years is I was spending all my time chasing my career at the sacrifice of my family and there had to be a better way.


As a husband, father and a business owner I will never pretend that I have the “magic” formula or the “easy” way to success. I may not know everything, but what I do know I am willing to share.
Overwhelmed with the expectations I set for myself and my business, I created an unrealistic vision of what my life should look like. The refusal to accept the reality of my situation was the problem and it almost cost me everything. We are not taught to challenge the negative thoughts we create in our minds which lead to years of built up painful emotions.

Years of burying these emotions and negative thoughts lead to increased levels of stress, pressure, fear, anxiety, money worries, and feeling alone. With the refusal to accept the reality of the situation, suppression was the only way to quiet the noise.


Some of the most influential people in my life were the coaches I had as an athlete. What I realized as an entrepreneur is that in order to reach the level in business and in life I could not do it alone. Having someone to bring new perspective, challenge your thinking, move out of the comfort zone and sees and believes in your true potential will create unrecognizable results that takes most entrepreneurs years if ever to accomplish. 

High Performance Coaching Stages

Stage 1: Purpose and Passion: You play the role of observer in this stage with the mission of becoming clear on what matters most to you in your life. The destination at the completion of this stage is living everyday aligned with your life’s passions and purpose.
Stage 2: Power: You’re an athlete in the power stage where the mission is to begin shifting your focus and seeing yourself as an athlete. At the end of the power stage you will have created daily habits that feed and fuel your mind and body.

Stage 3: Prosperity: My Financial Training Academy is a step by step process that leads you to a life of Freedom. The mission in this stage is to develop a clear plan to eliminate bad debts, increase cash flow and create maximum leverage and protection for every dollar in profits from this day forward. Destination; Lifestyle Freedom


Facing The Facts Podcast on ITUNES, Stitcher & YouTube

Blog under Declaration Vault


Don't Just Take My Word For It
check out what these adventurers who took the leap of faith had to say....
Declaration Vault
Declaration Vault
“Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.”
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Murph & Me Coaching & Consulting Agency


    4 Union Plaza #25 
Bangor, Maine   04401

    (207) 745-5304


Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

© 2020 Murph & ME Coaching and Consulting Agency

Murph & Me Coaching & Consulting Agency


    (207) 745-5304

    4 Union Plaza #25 
Bangor, Maine   04401


Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

© 2020 Murph & ME Coaching and Consulting Agency    |    Privacy Policy and Terms of Service